Code-mixing is the change of one language to another within the same utterance or in the same oral/written text. It is a common phenomenon in societies in which two or more languages are used.
Based on its kinds, there are the different of code mixing. There are language mixing, style mixing, and level of speech mixing. see from language level, code mixing consist of level of phonem, level of word or level of phrase, and level of sentence. Code mixing can divided by its characteristic, that are interferece code and integrated code.
Code mixing hapenned in a bilingual society, multilingual society and also monolingual. Code mixing could be happened dapat without something in a situation that demand to use a code mixing,but it could be caused by a some factor, that are a relax, common,or there no a right word to say.
Code mixing could be happened because there are some factor that could give influence, there are region, topic of speech, participant, and the environment. A region, topic, participant, and environment have corrrelation each other.
In areas where code-switching among two or more languages is very common, it may become normal for words from both languages to be used together in everyday speech. Unlike code-switching, where a switch tends to occur at semantically or sociolinguistically meaningful junctures, this code-mixing has no specific meaning in the local context. A fused lect is identical to a mixed language in terms of semantics and pragmatics, but fused lects allow less variation since they are fully grammaticalized. In other words, there are grammatical structures of the fused lect that determine which source-language elements may occur.
Living in a bilingual (or multilingual) community forces people to be able to speak in at least two different languages. I will take Javanese as a case in point. Javanese people can speak Javanese, their mother tongue, and Indonesian as their secondary or national language at a minimum. It is possible to find them speaking foreign languages too. As people have to speak different languages (or follow different speech levels; i.e. ngoko or krama in Javanese language) for different reasons.
Capulate between two ethnics made one family have more than one language that use to communicate, moreover they live in one society that use other language and it makes them to learn, understand and sometimes use that language to communicate with the society beside Bahasa Indonesia.
A man from Padang married to a woman from Medan and lived in Merak that used Java language. A man use Padang language in daily activities to communicate with his friends, a woman use Batak language to communicate, but sometimes the woman use Java language also to communicate with people around her. The woman-just call her Bu Rita- sometimes use Batak language beside Bahasa Indonesia to talk with her sons. In the other hand she uses Java language to communicate with her neighbours.
Bu Rita has three sons, they are Antoni, jonathan, and Billy. In this study the writer wants to do a study about Anton. Anton lives in one family that used more than one language. Her mother used Batak language, and sometimes use Java language and her father used Padang language. Her mother speak Batak language to Antoni but he didn’t understand what his mother talk about. Because of that, her mother translate what she talk to Bahasa Indonesia so Anton understand what she talk about.
One day she talked to her son who named Antoni, “Anton, baen kipas!”. That sentence ask Anton to turn on the fan. First Anton didn’t do anything, he act and turn on the fan just Bu Rita askes him in Bahasa Indonesia. She said “ Anton, nyalain kipas!”. After that Bu Rita asked Anton again to turn off the television because Anton should study. She said ”pamate tv ton!” and Anton just silent didn’t do anything. She talked again but in Bahasa Indonesia, she said “matiin tv Ton”. From that Anton do what her mother asked to him.
Code-mixing is used in theories that draw on studies of language alternation or code-switching to describe the cognitive structures underlying bilingualism.
Sridhar and Sridhar define code-mixing as "the transition from using linguistic units (words, phrases, clauses, etc.) of one language to using those of another within a single sentence." They note that this is distinct from code-switching in that it occurs in a single sentence (sometimes known as intrasentential switching) and in that it does not fulfill the pragmatic or discourse-oriented functions described by sociolinguists.
Hamers dan Blanc (1983: 78) said that interference could be happened in phonology, syntaxis and semantic. If interference in semantic not as a strange effect, so this code mixing is permanent and called as integrated sentence.
Kridalaksana (1982; 32) said that the limitation of code-mixing or interference as usage a language from one language to other language to develop a language style; include the use of word, clause, idiom, etc.
Code-mixing or interference reference to the usage the formal element of language code, like seperti phonem, morphemr,word, phrase, sentence in a context from one language to another language (Beardsmore, 1982: 40)
The practice of code-mixing, which draws from competence in two languages at the same time suggests that these competences are not stored or processed separately. Code-mixing among bilinguals is therefore studied in order to explore the mental structures underlying language abilities. A mixed language or a fused lect is a relatively stable mixture of two or more languages. What some linguists have described as "codeswitching as unmarked choice" or "frequent code switching" has more recently been described as "language mixing", or in the case of the most strictly grammaticalized forms as "fused lects".
Bu Rita has married with a man from Padang and they live in one society that used a language that they never used before, that is Java Language. Bu Rita sometimes use Batak language to talk to her children but her children doesn’t understand, so she talk to her children use indonesian language but sometimes she mix Indonesian with Batak language because its her mother tounge, but sometimes she also mix with Java language because she also has used Java language to communicate with her neighboor. She uses Java language to communicate with her neighboor, she uses Batak language when she was with Batak community, but unfortunately she seldom meet with her friends that Batak people. She uses Indonesian to talk with her children but sometimes she mix with Batak and Java language. In this study, the researcher interest to do a study about Anton (Bu Rita’s son), because he don’t understand his mother tongue. He more understand Java language than Batak language as his mother tongue.
On 22 December 2010 i went to Anton’s house. When i went to his house, i talked with Bu Rita used Indonesian and i heard that she also used Indonesian to talk with Anton. But in her sentence i heard she used Batak language that she inserted in her sentence. “Anton, tuhor es buat Kika”. She asked Anton to buy a cool drink for me. She repeated her sentence but she changed one word, she said,” Anton, beli es buat Kika”. She changed word “tuhor” became “beli”. Then Anton did what his mother asked. Actually first Anton not understand yet what his mother asked, after his mother changed into Indonesia he has understood. After bought she give a change to his mother, and her mother asked him to put the money in the table. She said,”taro hepeng di meja”. But he didn’t put the money in the table, he gave it to his mother. She talked again but in Indonesian,”taro uang nya di meja” while give back the money to him. He did what his mother asked.
I asked to Bu Rita whether Anton don’t understand batak language or not. She answer that Anton don’t understand at all Batak language. But Bu Rita always mixed Batak language in their daily conversation. I asked her how long she mixed the language, actually she mixed the language just for one month, that’s she did from one month ago, from november.
Sometimes she mix Java language to talk with Anton in their communication. If his mother mix with java language Anton could understand what his mother mean, because in his society, their neighboor use Java language, and in his school, Anton’s friend use Java language also. So, Anton could understand what his mother said if his mother talk used Java language or mix with java Language.
They have been live in Merak for 5 years. Anton more understand Java Language than Batak. His mother feels that Anton should understand Batak language because he is a Batak people. Actually his father never at home. Anton also don’t understand at all Padang language because his father never at home, and he never heard Padang language, so he don’t understand Padang language.
I asked to Bu Rita what words usually that she always talk to Anton in this case Batak language. She said that daily word like “tuhor” and “hepeng” that mentioned above and several others words. I asked Bu Rita, if she often used that words why Anton didn’t understand what did she asked to Anton to buy (“tuhor”) a cool drink for me (Kika) and to put the money (“hepeng”). She said that not long she mixed Indonesian with Batak language, so Anton still not understand yet.
I suggested to Bu Rita to talk with Anton always insert Batak words in her sentence in order Anton could understand Batak language, and fortunately she also has a same plan, that is to mix Batak language in their daily conversation.
Bu Rita asked to Anton to do his homework. She said,” Baen PR kamu Anton”. In Indonesian “bikin PR kamu Anton”. Anton answered,” ga ada PR”. I think Anton has understand what his mother ask, and understand the meaning of “Baen”,so he answered that he has no homework.
I asked to his mom,”he understand” baen” word?”. So i want to try to ask another activity but still use the word “baen”. I asked Anton,” Anton, baen kipas dong”, and i repeat the word “baen” in indonesia became “bikin”. I said, “Anton, bikin kipas”. And i heard Anton said,”oh.... Baen itu bikin.” So he turn on the fan.
I did this research for one month but i came to Anton’s house once a week. For that time i always pay my attention for the language that i heard, the conversation that i heard between Anton and Bu Rita. In fourth week i came again to Anton’s house. When i was come i heard Anton said.”Ma, adong Kika”. He called his mother she said that i was come, the meaning of his sentence is: Ma, ada Kika. Anton has able to used Batak language although i just heard one word. So his mother came out and talked to Anton,” Tuhor es buat Kika, hepeng di lemari”. The familiar words every i come there. Anton has understand what his mother ask about and did what his mother said.
“Jo, maridi Jo”. I heard Anton said to his brother, he asked his brother to take a bath. “maridi” is take a bath. I said to his mother that i heard Anton asked his brother to take a bath by using batak language inserted in his sentence. Bu Rita (Anton’s mother) said that from one day before i came Anton has talk used Batak words, like “maridi” that the meaning is take a bath, “marmeam” which the meaning is play. “Hepeng” which the meaning is money. “tuhor” the meaning is buy, “mangan” the meaning is eat and the others words.
So, in a month of my research i can conclude that Anton can understand Batak language, if her mother always and always speak with him by mixed batak language in daily conversation, although he just know several words of Batak but it can be start for himself to learn more about Batak, if he still uses and always uses the Batak words he will able to use Batak language not only a word that mixing in Indonesian but a sentence. Anton also can speak Batak although just a word that mixed in Indonesian. In short Anton can understand batak words and able to use it although just severals words and just mixing with Indonesian. Below list of several Batak words that Anton has understand:
- Modom = Sleep 11. Marsiajar = Study
- Mangan = Eat 12. Dorun = Dirty
- Hepeng = Money 13. Ro = Come
- Maridi = Take a bath 14. Godang = Many
- Tuhor = Buy 15. Balga = Balga
- Baen = make 16. Bereng = See
- Marmeam = play 17. Lului = Search
- Adong = present
- Unang = No
- Mulak = go home
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